To Meet the Stars

I would love to meet the stars,

visit nebulae, or walk on Mars.

To blast from Earth to outer space,

meet a creature from an alien race,

or play a stellar game of chase.

Oh, I’d just adore

to wander and explore

different worlds,

planets galore.

To go over yonder

to that galaxy,

and wonder

at the marvelous universe.

Knowing my God created all this,

that is heavenly bliss.

Above is a poem I wrote in 2010. I found it in my poem notebook, made a few quick edits, and decided to share it.

I used to be quite prolific at poetry, but a lot of my poems felt forced. I realize now that I had dragged them out of my head. “To Meet the Stars” is one of a few that came from my heart. I’ll never stop loving the sky.